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Huh.I have tried all I could but my performance in the tests is very inconsistent unlike my many friends I who always seem to get into the top 10. Sometimes I feel that If the things go on the same way I wont make it and hence I start to loose focus.I study harder than most of my classmates .My teachers know that too but Still I am not able to attain a VEry good rank.It still a good deal of time left for JEE advanced.I wanna ask If a try Even more harder now Do I still have a chance of making it to the IITs?Also can anyone recomment some kind of mock tests (My teachers recommended me to go for that) which has a toughness level as much as the Jees or even higher?I have been sincere almost for each day past years,I do Understand the topics with fully clearity and hence I still get confused during tests.

Shivam dhuria , 12 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Arpit Jaiswal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Man if you are looking for something good- then go for AITS exams organised by FIITJEE.

These are ALL INDIA TEST SERIES, crack those and you are sure in IIT,

these exams are held once in two weeks for guys in 12th standard or pass

it has thoughness level beyond your expectation!


you can also go for test series organised by narayana academy, they are for 11th also.

hope this helps


Raunak Sudeep Taysheti

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

This is the same problem faced by me. my teachers have even lost hope in me, But I have not lost my hope. I know that cracking IIT though not so easy is not impossible.I study harde than my friends but come last in class. Grades cant detect your inner talent. You are your own Judge. Only you know your limits and desire to suceed. I have deciced to go through all the topics once again.


Speed of grasping concepts varies from person to person. I have learned that I am a slow learner, not hopeless.I have turned a deaf ear to all the comments being made on me by my friends and family members.


I joined askiitians 6 month course. I feel it really useful. my town doesnt has a very standard coaching. I think it is here where I loose.


I have decided to drop a year after 12th before attempting for JEE. I feel that by doing so I stand a good chance of qualifying for at least NITs.

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