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I dont think its a common problem but i seriously get in trouble with negative marking. I answer most of the questions correctly but at the same time i mark many wrong questions. At the time of answering i dont take it seriously but later i come to know how serious it is. Can u please suggest me any tips to overcome that problem??

Siva Teja , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

We won''t be able overcome our mistakes until we realise it and try to work hard on it.

So the suggestion is that you must be confident enough to mark an answer which causes negative marking 

But you would be able to overcome this mistake by practicing it from now itself and treat every small test also as the JEE paper only 

I hope that you will soon overcome this problem.

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And best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Siva Teja,

Your problem is not unique. It is very familiar. Now I know that you are marking answers for nearly all the questions you are attempting in the examination without thinking about the negative marking. 

This problem is faced by nearly all students in some time or point of their preparation for the Engineering Entrance Examinations. The easy solution to this problem is to divide the question paper that you get into 3 parts namely Well-known questions(taking less time to solve),Well-known questions(but taking time to solve),Not so well known questions. Now in the first round of answering questions,go for the first category in which you have to answer well-known questions which take very less time to solve and then move on to category no.2 where you will have to answer well-known questions but taking time to answer . Finally go for the final category of not so well-known questions.

By attempting the questions in this manner,you will be able to steer clear ahead of negative marking. Another tip is to not to get greedy and go for random guesses because they will land you in trouble. Instead,stay away from deception and random guesses.


Hope this helped you immensely..!!

You can feel free to post as many questions as possible and I will try my best to answer them and help you your quest for perfection.

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ..!!



AskIITians Expert,

Godfrey Classic Prince


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