Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> How to prepare for iit from class 10(icse...
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sir,i would be glad to know about the basic preparation for iit.i am a student of class 10 and my ultimate goal is iit,but the problem is that i dont know how to get the things started.please help me out by suggesting the right study materials,books,mind setup etc.waiting for your precious reply.

Osho Prakash , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Chetan Mandayam Nayakar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

First finish physics,chemistry,mathematics of class X syllabus

You can find out the IITJEE syllabus from the IIT website, and use the following books for preparation.

Physics: HC Verma, Young & Freedman(used at MIT, USA), “Problems in Physics” by Abhay Kumar Singh

Inorganic Chemistry: JD Lee, OP Tandon

“Physical Chemistry” by Robert A. Alberty, Robert J. Silbey (both from MIT, USA)

Organic Chemistry: Morrison & Boyd, Paula Yurkanis Bruice

“Calculus:graphical,numerical,algebraic” by Thomas,Finney, Demana, Waits (one or more authors from MIT, USA)

Arihant Integral Calculus, Arihant Differential Calculus, Arihant “Vectors and 3-D geometry”

Trigonometry: SL Loney

Coordinate geometry: SL Loney

Algebra: “Challenge and Thrill of Pre-College Mathematics” by V. Krishnamurthy

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