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sir i am in 12th i am solving HC VERMA PART 1 and 2 both but in my coaching selected problems of irodov are discussed but because of regular school i am not getting to do diffrent books so i want to know will solving HCV alone will help me my goal to crack JEE of IIT or i should solve other books too if yes please mention name or should i focus on any study materials (packages)...The main concern is that is IRODOV problems are benificial for me to solve or not because of lack of time i manage to do very fewer few questions of irodov....PLEASE HELP

anuj yadav , 12 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Chetan Mandayam Nayakar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Irodov problems are very good and strongly recommended.

Blazing Ruler

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

I would have recommended irodov had you been born 10 years ago. For the objective era you should leave it.

HCV is good. But remember to solve each and every question given. Do not skip even a single question. if you are unsatisfied with it then you may try DC Pandey. It has many more high level questions with greter data including short cuts and intext exercises. But remember HCV in my opinion is the best book to give you a clearer concept. If you get stuck then consult your teacher. Do not buy its solution. If you need it then you may find it online.

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