Sourabh Singh
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Reference Books for Engineering Entrance Exam
NCERT Chemistry text books of class XI and class XII (usually sufficient)
Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd (only for understanding concepts)
Arihant Organic Chemistry Objective (Optional)
Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry books by OP Tandon
Physical Chemistry by RC MukherjeeMathematics
NCERT class XI and class XII books (all students should start with these early)
For best concepts you can purchase ‘IIT Mathematics’ by ML Khanna
New Pattern IITJEE Mathematics of Arihant Publications by Dr SK Goyal
Books by SL Loney (Good for coordinate Geometry and Trigonometry)
RD Sharma
GN Bernnam – only use it for calculus as other sections are too advanced for JEEPhysics
NCERT Physics for Class XI and XII (good introduction)
Concepts of Physics, Vol.-I & II, by HC Verma
Physics by D.C. Pandey, Arihant Publications
Fundamentals of Physics, by Halliday, Resnik and Walker (Optional)
Reference Books for Medical Entrance Exam
Concepts of Physics by H.C.Verma
NCERT Physics: CBSE PMT set of 3 Volumes by Anil Aggarwal
Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT by Aggarwals
NCERT- Physics Part 1 and Part 2
Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
Dinesh Chemistry
Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula for Physical Chemistry
Morrision Boyd for Organic Chemistry
ABC chemistryBiology
Objective biology by Dinesh SC Verma (Part-1 and 2)
NCERT- Biology Part 1 and Part 2
GRB Bathla's Publication's for Biology (For theory and objective)
Pradeep Publication's Biology
Trueman's Biology (Theory)