Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Hey kd NIT TRICHY !!!...
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hello !!actually i have a doubt in my mind and i want to clear it with you.As been officially declaredthat the top 20 percentile of main 7 boards of the country have been extracted according to which in U.P. board students upto 65% are eligible to sit for JEE(advanced). Well,this is the data for this year(2012) result.It has also been said that for next year,there will be a minute increase in the lowest limit.so my question is that if it is 65% this year then for next year what could be the lowest limit after the little probable increase.actually,mine is 67%.so i am bothered that will also be in the eligibility list of 2013.Please give me the right information.WAITING FOR YOUR VALUABLE REPLY.......................................................................................

SKS , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Sourabh Singh

Last Activity: 8 Years ago


As of nothing substantial can be said in that matter .It will totally depend upon the paper level and the score that topper will score in the board.

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