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what isd scope of a chemical eng after b-tech...where is the job opportunities..chemical eng from mnnit better or mathematics and computing from DTU...I m from uttar pradesh

Ishant Sharma , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 2 Answers
RAGHU babu

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

chemical engg  good  branch,opportunities in  refinaries,process industries,petrochemicals  etc MNIT chemical best ,join in that

kavish Dwivedi

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

see 1st of all chemical engineering is a core branch which is in itself better than m&c second if you are getting a core branch in the best NON IIT for placement viewpoint why to think about dtu or nsit..GAIL probably the best public sector in terms of pakage visited MNNIT last year hired 8 people for 10.2 lakhs out of a batch of 40 and rest getting jobs in ioc,bpcl,ongc etc and i tell you one more thing that gail visits only IIT R,D,K and MNNIT for campus placements .. dtu has hype because everything whehter it be DU or dtu or IITD will have a hype for being in the capital city inspite of not being better than most top NITs(for DTU) or IIT K,KGP,M(for IIt D)..there is a lot of difference now between dtu and TOP NITs/IIITs  because of the better central funding equivalent to IITs after the 2007 NIT act, better brand which is being promoted by NIT T,W,K,A at a very fast rate and surely after 4 years there will be a gap as good as present day NITs and other good state colleges like JADHAVPUR,HBTI,ANNA which used to be of the same levels before 2007 NIT act ... DTU/NSIT are surviving only because of being in capital city which would be sooner or later taken by NIT DELHI...hope you get it finally and forget about Chemical you can even ge IT at MNNIT with your rank by 5th round which is equivalent to cse at MNNIT...

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