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Okay people, i had dropped an year..Got a 6713 rank in JEE, 5750 in EEE and 295 in BITS..Do i go to ISM or should i go for Electronics or Civil at DTU or Information Systems or Maths in Pilani.I live in Noida, thus my preference for DTU made clear and i have no quota..

Pranjal Dwivedi , 12 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
kavish Dwivedi

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

pilani doesent seem to be a good option neither does ism because probably you wont be getting petroleum there which is the only good branch there apart from mining...and with your rank in EEE the best branch in NIT you could get is CALICUT CSE or MNNIT IT(its equal and same as CSE there in all respects be it syllabus,department or placements)...leave civil because a lot of civil public sector companies have decided to recruit using gate scores rather than coming to campus for placements so it wont be a college advantage to you in the end...ece is a very good branch in todays scenario and you should take that at dtu according to me...

RAGHU babu

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

GO FOR ISM through JEE,Life will be  better

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