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I was in state board till 12th standard in .Due to the cheap quality of most of teachers suffered a lot.They could never answer my doubts.To strenghthen my concepts I started learning JEE in a good coaching institute after completing 12th board but couldn't do the entire syllabus within an year coz i had to learn many a new things simultaneously.Now I want to learn for 1 more yr and appear for AIEEE,Till date there are 3 attempts but I don't know when and what the descision of Kapil Sibal be.My parents are forcing me to go for 1st yr BE but i need to learn the remaining syallabus and learn concepts.Exactly when the final descision will come.I am confused whether to go for BE admissions or to drop the year.Plz Plz help me.

Suzuki Mitsuba , 12 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Suzuki,

Prefer to Drop if you can do well.

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