Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Which to prefer?...
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I have got an AIR of 1899 (GEN) in JEE 2012, and have narrowed down my choices to Chemical at Kharagpur (I am a resident of Calcutta), and Computer Sc. at IIT-BHU.Many say that because of the IIT tag, one may witness a significant change in the opening and closing ranks for streams in BHU, and that 4 years from now, the institute will be as good as Roorkee, if not better. Moreover, I am inclined towards CSE as a branch, besides the handsome pay packages.Is it wise to compromise on the college by opting for CSE BHU, or should I play safe and opt for Chemical KGP? Thank you in advance!

Naman Jain , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
RAGHU babu

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

GO FOR IT-BHU ,Bright future.

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