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sir,My air rank is1150. i have follwing options kindly help me finalysing.electronics and electrical communication in kgpr dual degreeelectrical engineeringkgpr dual degreemechanical intelligent manufacturingmadras dual degreegvk

krrishna reddy gunapati , 12 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
kavish Dwivedi

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

congos first of all... i would advice you to take a 4 year course of cse or ee at these colleges if  you get else go for colleges like IIT Guwahati IIT BHU and IIT R cse...

package view point :

see 1st of all theres absolutely no difference in packages amongst the same braches offered by IITs .. cse and ee espacially will always be the same everywhere in IITs ... and a cse at IIT bhu will get more than a mech at IIT B simply because of the packages offered by corps like fb,google idc,ms r&d,pocket gems,goldman sachs & amazon... no other branch has so many biggies i suppose...and these corps visit even IIT BHU and and even NIT allahabad..for your info i tell you that fb recruited 3 from IIT BHU at 45 lpa for job in hyderabad and that too one is 3rd year electronics guy.. previously it used to be the case that bhu was not IIT so people sort of refrained from it but now since you will get a good job as well as iit degree i see no point in not taking cse there rather going for a year waste at spme other IIT only because some people who are not IITians say that IITB is better or like that....

as far as further studies are concerned all foreign univs treat all IITs as equal ....and you will get an year to think about what you want to do ..IVY league or CAT or GMAT or UPSC....a lot of 4 year guys get better job than 5 years that depends purely on luck .....there is no hard and fast rule for that...one of my friends was a mech topper at IITB got a hefty 13 lakhs job but other was an average student of cse at IT BHU and got 15.5 lakhs job...so in the end who was better?? i hope you would understand and dont act blindly according to the opening and closing rank ....

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