Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> should i repeat iitjee while being enroll...
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sir, i am taking admission in jadavpur university, kolkata.......i cleared the cutoff in iitjee 2012 but my rank does not allow me to study in iit.........should i repeat the jee or concentrate in my engg course in Jadavpur university?

black panthar , 12 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Shahir Aziz

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Depends completely on you. If you have the confidence in yourself that given another chance you are sure to crack iitjee then you should go for it because one year is nothing for a chance to study in iit. But anyways JU is a great college and you should rest assured of a good future ahead. Actually quite a few JU guys join iit after a 2nd try.

Hope the answer helped.

black panthar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

thank you very much, yes , the answer did help.....i now know what to do.....i will go for a 2nd attempt at iit ......( i hope iitjee stays .....i am not much in favour of this common entrance thing.......although that shouldnt matter much if i want to make it to iit) !!!cheersLaughing



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