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I am a stamerer and i scored very good marks in IIT-JEE 2012 and can get admission in IIT Roorkee but can IIT provide me placement as i am astamerer

Anubhav Sharma , 12 Years ago
anser 3 Answers
Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Anubhav Sharma,

Why not ??

I mean why do you ask this question ?? Yes, you will dear.

You have scored high marks and you deserve to be in an IIT and no one can stop thaty because it will be a discrimination if they do .

You certainly will get a seat in an IIT and please do not worry dear.


Hope this helped you immensely...

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ...


Best Regards,

AskIITians Expert,

Godfrey Classic Prince



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pankaj kumar raman

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

ya obviously

dont bouther about your problem

just believe on your working, labour & talant

you will be placed in a good job

all the best

Sachhidanand Manjhi

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Ive read about an IITian from IIT-Madras who doesnt have legs and he walks/travels on his wheel chair.I salute him. You are more than lucky that you just have this small problem. Dont worry,problems may come in your life and go but you should keep on the spirit of fulfilling your dreams. All The Best.

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