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Is the pattern for IIT JEE 2013 is chnaged then what will the new pattern if not then when will final decision will come

Anubhav Sharma , 13 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Rahul Kumar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Hi Anubhav,

Till now the news is not confirmed about the IIT JEE new pattern and its not confirmed till now

So you should prepare according to current pattern as per now

Best of luck


Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Anubhav Sharma,

The successor to the JEE and AIEEE — for long the gateways to India’s top engineering colleges including the IITs — will be called ISEET, the Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test.the new, SAT-style exam comes into force in 2013.

The government will scrap all engineering entrance exams, including the IIT-JEE and the AIEEE, from 2013-14 and reduce the stress levels of students.

ISEET will have two parts, Main and Advance, each of three hours duration. Both tests will be given on the same day, between 10 am and 5 pm. ISEET 2013 will be held in either March or April.

ISEET Main will be an objective type exam, and will test comprehension, critical thinking and logical reasoning. ISEET Advance will test problem-solving ability in basic science subjects. The two tests together will indicate a candidate’s scholastic level and aptitude for science and engineering.


Hope this information helped you immensely..

All the very Best & Good Luck to you ..



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