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sir i want to ask u that in class 10 many competitive exam arises like fiitjee ;bansal akash etc but the questions asked in this exam is very tough i want to know that for facing that level of question which book i have to prefer i m in class 10 this time and from which books the question is asked in that type of competitive exam becaz the questions is too much tough and when we get the problem while solving that question which site we have to take help plz ans in details

keshav kr , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Ambarish Narayan

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

look the level of xam is tough for all other students also and if you have got concept in pcm then its enough. just buy a good brain teasing book like sakuntala devi and practice it .

i think you must have solved rd sharma, in maths, hc verma in physics(for class tenth)and ncert in chem if not do so

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