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How to Remember formulas in mathematics?I forget them often.piease help me.....

Dasari Luke Nihal , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Latesh Moten

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Hello Dasari,

this is obvious that mathematics formulas do get skipped away from mind..!! you can follow some steps here....

1) revise them daily...!! you cant get them in one go.

2) make a chart and paste it in your study area.. such that you can easily have a look at it everytime. and give it a look whenever you are free, taking rest or something like that. :) this is the best way to follow.

3) make mind maps... or use trciks or basic tacts to learn them


follow all these steps and all your formulas are going to come in your mind easily. i hope my methods helped you... pls do approve my answer Dasari :)

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