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how many hours do you study daily?

saravanan jothi , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
AskiitiansExpert Milanshu

Last Activity: 15 Years ago



If you are preparing for JEE or any other exam, to get a good rank you need not to study whole time. Its not about the number of hours you are spending per day for JEE preparation, but what really matters is that you should understand the concepts.

Even if you are spending few hour, make sure you are atleast doing all your work that you have planned.

people have different grasping speed, so one cant predict how much other should study. For clearing JEE its not required that you are studying 10 hours a day but its about the efficiency. So even if you study for less hours make sure that you are putting 100% of you for that.

But in general if you want the number of hour then it should be around 5-6 hours a day.

best of luck for future


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