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I am usually getting 87 - 97 percentile in tests of Career Point and Resonance in Droppers batch (which has highest competition) Am I safe? Means I will work hard but are there any chances for IIT or I should leave and concentrate in AIEEE?\\\\

Vishrant Vasavada , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Rakesh Singh

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Hi Vishrant,


Just focus on IIT and if you work hard then you will make it to the IIT

Just clear all your doubts and work on your weaker areas

And you have 5 more months now, so juust prepare hard, we hope that you will crack the game


Ashwin Muralidharan IIT Madras

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Hi Vishrant,


The percentile is just to show you where you stand in comparision to others.

I've seen and known friends in IIT who'd scored lesser than this initially and have cracked IIT JEE.


You should only focus on improving test after test.

(95 Percentile is generally good, if the number of people who'd taken the test were around 5K to 10K).


Make sure once you've taken the test, you identify those parts of the paper which you were not comfortable in solving and focus on them and keep revising them on a regular basis, which will help you improve immensely.


Wish you all the Best !!!



Ashwin (IIT Madras).

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