Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Can i make it if i start now?...
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Guys, i need some proper expert help. I have Just started my IIT preparation from scratch. I am supposed to be writing it in 2012. I am able to learn concepts fast. I need enough practice. Is it possible to make it?? can i possibly aim for a top 500 rank if i start now?Please be frank. If you feel its not possible, i am not going to get demoralised. i just want to know frankly if it is quite possible to catch up.

Vidyacharan Gopaluni , 13 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
omkar deepak borkar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

i too face the same problem dude.

i dunno should i concentrate on iit or cet.though it seems to b moraly true....i cant accept the fact tht it is possible to get in the top 500 in just one year.outof scrap...

srry if i demotivated you..bt u need to practise at least 2 yrs to get in top 500.according to me...

my email":omkarborkar95@gmail.com

plz share urs.wanna chat

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