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Sir, I am a student of 12th standard, and I have started preparing for IIT JEE this very year. However, I think that my study schedule is taking me nowhere as I cannot say that even one topic has been mastered by me till now. I follow this schedule everyday:4:00 am to 7:00 am - Physics7:00 am to 4:00 pm - School5:30 pm to 7:30 pm - Chemistry7:30 pm to 10:00 pm - MathsI am finding it difficult to find time to study as my school hours are quite long. Please help me.

Arsch Sharma , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers
Askiitians_Expert Yagyadutt

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Hello Arsch !


Well i would prefer to study without time table ..because sometime  you have to study physics because it is in your time table , even you are not interested in it ..:( So it become hard to recycle in such case


Anyway i will suggest you a good way :)

Whenever you wake up in morning...prefer chemistry ..it will never bore you .:)

Prefer maths in night ...Because mathematics needs concentration and no disturbance...In the begining u will feel difficulty but after some days u will feel good in studying mathematics in night .


And utilise your school timing for physics...take your notes , rough , practice book with yourself in school , whenever you get free time study in it .. In intervals , games period ...or even if possible u can bunk your classes :) ( Like i did in my school time) ...(teacher thoda gussaega but it doesn't matter because your selection is in your hand not his )


Possible prefer saturday as holiday (Don't go to school on saturday :) ..it would help u a lot)....You will get two continuous day to study ..sunday and saturday ..


I hope this would help u





Vishrant Vasavada

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Join this. They will surely help you with it.

They have prepared time-table as per your routine and suggested to many students. Even they may prepare it for you.


omkar deepak borkar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

dont know hw strict ur school is

bt if they are linient then u can probably solve some problems in school while the lecture is on.and no one expects a science student to attend the college regularly in 12th...so bunk it a bit...

also u cant keep timings frm 4am or so...they may reduce ur mental capability sometimes by tiring u...if u regularly get up at 4 then keep maths frm 4-7 instead of physics...

this is the prescribd time table.bt wen it comes to completion of portion then this timetable would lower ur speed.

try 2days chemistry

2days maths

2days physics

1day revision.(in 1 week.)\

best of luck!!!!!

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