hey plz someone help mei am currently in class-x.i am a lot interested in competitive exams.i am really thorough with ncert book.so for competitive exams like maths olympiads,science olympiad,nstse,fiit-jee talent reward exams apart from class-x portions even portions of higher class like class-xi and xii is included.so plz tell me which other extra lessons in mathematics ,physics,chemistry i need to learn for these exams.plz advise.plz it is urgent.plz
swarup s.m , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
omkar deepak borkar
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
so b it!!!!!!!!
plz purchase or download the following books:
hc verma physics
resnick halliday crane physics
op tandon chemistry
for maths try arihant.
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