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there is no point in hiding things from you...so here i am telling you all the truth..nd the situations i am facing...please show me a way out of this i am really very tensed....i have been scoring very low in the last 2 tests in my classes...which are held similar to the actual jee..having a duration of 6 hrs...i am not even crossing totals of hundred...and thats bcause i have been wasting a lot of time..but now i have realized that..nd now i put in lot of concentration in my studies...but whenever i sit to study...it give's me tension as where will i get admission..???...what will happen to me after the jee which will be held 9 months from today???..etc..i have my next test after 2 monthsplease please advice me and tell me frankly if i will be able to get admissions in good institutes like iit or bits which i want to...please help me out ..i am too tensed..i just cant sleep..please help me..

nishad bagwe , 13 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear nishad bagwe,

There is no point in thinking about the future when you have no control over the present !!

I advice you to just ignore those things that will happen in future .....you now have the power to change your destiny !!

Today is the day !!

You are the force ....you can change things but if you will & work for a change !!

Just concentrate on the daily work timetable that you must have put & follow it religiously !!

Success follows !!

Never give Up .....Never ....not today .....not till 9 months !!!

Yeah i think you got me !!!


All the Best & Good Luck !!

Hope this helped you immensely..!

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ayush nigam

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

i am telling you my case...my highest percentile in fiitjee was 37 percentile....i got 13241 not...and i am going into nit surathkal....isnt it somthng unexpected from a guy like me...so never never give up....

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