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hello sir.i had appeared for iitjee & aieee this year. but failed to perform well. i hav decided to join an engineering college in my hometown n continue preparation. i seriously want to get into some iit/nit. i am willing to giv my 200%. but wuld dat b enough widout coaching? i hav decided 2 join a college bcoz i dont want to risk 1 year. ill put every effort needed. but i cant understand how to start....i rilly want ur advice whether my decision is correct or not....pls guide me n suggest me something like a calendar for preparation to which ill surely adhere to throughout dis term!!!!!pls reply soon...its rilly urgent

nikita nath , 13 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Nikita

You should better opt for a correspondence course. you can opt for Resonance correspondence course, its very good.

and try to be consistent with your studies. make study plan according to  your schedule and fix some targets for syllabus completion. if you put sincere efforts then its not difficult and you can always put your doubts here and we will try our best to solve that.


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