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Hello Sir,I am dropping this year for IIT-JEE 2012.Kindly suggest me a good coaching institue I have just one year and cant afford any mistake this time.Thank you!

astha srivastava , 13 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Krishna Pradyumna Mokshagundam

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

You can join Long Term Coaching in Narayana IIT Academy or Sri Chaitanya or Sri Gayatri Academy.You have not specified your region. Sri Gayatri Academy and Sri Chaitanya are in Andhra Pradesh. Narayana is a country wide college. It is a good college.  The other institutions are PAGE, FIITJEE. These two don't have much ranking in IIT coaching. Please specify your region, so that people could suggest you a college in your region.

Vaibhav Jindal (Meet the Champ)

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear astha

You have not specified your region so Narayana IIT Academy or FIITJEE will be a good option. I strongly recommend you to opt for Narayana because of their weekly tests called CPTs which enable the student to know thier position among all india Narayana students every week.

Best of LuckSmile

Hope this has helped you !!!!!

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