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how to remember equations in inorganic chemistry?

nikhil sv , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Hi ,

There is only one solution to your problem .i.e. keep practising.  First try to understand the mechanism dat how reaction works, this will help u in remembering it and also will give u a better understanding of reactions than simple memorization. 

    jus follow the given ways to remember equations :

-  Write down the important equations on a chart and hang it in your bed room.
-  You can get number of copies of such charts placed at suitable places in your house.
-  Try to link the equations with some things which are important to you in your life and then remember them.
-  As soon as you get up in the morning try to recap the important equations.
-   Reading a number of times will enhance your morale and your memory power.

Follow  that and i am sure it will help u. Basically,  do practise alot and u can remember any formulae, reactions everything. 

If you find any thing difficult to understand then post it here ...and we ll get u the answer asap. Here IITians are alwez there to help u.

All the Best!!!



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