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sir, i got 19 thousand somethng rank in ojee...did i hve any chance in it....????plzzz send me the counselling dates of ojee nd also d rank...rply soon.........

Prateek Kumar Agarwal , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Prateek,

Procedure for submission of choices or seeking other information is provided through a menu driven interface. It guides the candidates through appropriate online messages to have smooth operations.

Information relating to Streams/Courses (Engineering, Architecture etc.), Branches (Electronics, Computer Science, etc.) and Categories (SC, ST, GC, EX-Service, Women etc.) will be accessible through corresponding dropdown menu for the purpose of exercising choices.

The State of Domicile, Category (Gen, SC, ST etc.), Physically Handicapped, Green Card, ex-Servicemen etc., Gender (Male/Female), Merit Number (Rank), etc., will automatically appear as per the available data of the candidate.

All the registered candidates are required to exercise their choices of their branches and institutions in their order of preference. The detailed procedure is described below:

1.        The procedure for exercising choices and seeking pertinent information is guided through appropriate messages and tabs on the computer screen.

2.        As per the eligibility of the candidate, available seat information relating to institutions, disciplines (Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ MBA/ MCA/ MBBS/ BDS/ PHARMACY), branches (e.g., Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, etc.) will be displayed.

3.        The candidate can give as many numbers of choices in the order of preference as he/she wishes from the list of available seats.

4.        The candidates are permitted, if they so desire, to change or reorder their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any number of times until they lock their choices on or before the specified date and time mentioned in the counseling schedule.


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