AskIITianExpert Srijan.iitd
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
for iit delhi the crieteria for addmission into part courses is as writen below:
Degree: M.Tech.[ Part time/Evening programme ]
Minimum Eligibility: B.Tech./M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant field with CGPA 6.75 on 10 point scale or 60% marks in aggregate for general category, and minimum 1 year experience as on 1 August. Must submit No Objection Certificate from employer at the time of interview. The organization where he/she is working should be located within 50 km. of IIT Delhi.
Selection basis: Written test and/or interview.
follow the link for iit kanpur:
for iit bombay:
for iit madras:
for iit kgp :
i dont think that part time students are allowed in campus placements because most of them are having a job along with their studies.They cant participate in interhostel events because they are never alloted hostels.
The part-time programmes constitute an opportunity given to working professionals in the NCR area to pursue an advanced degree at IIT Delhi.
- Academically, the part-time programmes are identical to the full-time programmes.
- The normal duration of the Master's programmes is 6 semesters instead of 4, to complete the 60 credits of work.
- A part-time student can take no more than 12 credits a semester.
- There is only a small difference in the admission requirements (e.g., GATE is not mandatory, the academic performance requirements may be slightly different) and the admission test process may involve additional tests.
- The only other "concession" for the part-time student is that we will hold classes for core courses in the morning slots [C: 8-9 and D: 9-10 on Tue, Wed and Fri; and A: 8-9:30 and B: 9:30-11:00 on Mon, Thu]. Students should select elective courses on the basis of convenience and interest.
visit the sites of the institutes for their rules and facilities for part time!!!!!