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sir,please tell me about the procedure of part time m.tech. does iits and nits provide part time m.tech.can part time m.tech students participate in campus placements. is there any difference that part time students have to suffer in campus placements of the college

abcd efgh , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 4 Answers
AskIITianExpert Srijan.iitd

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

for iit delhi the crieteria for addmission into part m.tech courses is as writen below:

Degree: M.Tech.[ Part time/Evening programme ]
Minimum Eligibility: B.Tech./M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant field with CGPA 6.75 on 10 point scale or 60% marks in aggregate for general category, and minimum 1 year experience as on 1 August. Must submit No Objection Certificate from employer at the time of interview. The organization where he/she is working should be located within 50 km. of IIT Delhi.
Selection basis: Written test and/or interview.

follow the link for iit kanpur: http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/acad/mtech.html

for iit bombay: http://www.iitb.ac.in/~cep/pglevel.html

for iit madras: http://mtechadm.iitm.ac.in/

for iit kgp : http://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/mtech/


i dont think that part time m.tech students are allowed in campus placements because most of them are having a job along with their studies.They cant participate in interhostel events because they are never alloted hostels.

The part-time programmes constitute an opportunity given to working professionals in the NCR area to pursue an advanced degree at IIT Delhi.

  • Academically, the part-time programmes are identical to the full-time programmes.
  • The normal duration of the Master's programmes is 6 semesters instead of 4, to complete the 60 credits of work.
  • A part-time student can take no more than 12 credits a semester.
  • There is only a small difference in the admission requirements (e.g., GATE is not mandatory, the academic performance requirements may be slightly different) and the admission test process may involve additional tests.
  • The only other "concession" for the part-time student is that we will hold classes for core courses in the morning slots [C: 8-9 and D: 9-10 on Tue, Wed and Fri; and A: 8-9:30 and B: 9:30-11:00 on Mon, Thu]. Students should select elective courses on the basis of convenience and interest.
visit the sites of the institutes for their rules and  facilities for part time m.tech!!!!!


AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


There is no such course offered at IITs such as part time MTech. They are full time courses with intensive course plan,  Mtech projects that is compulsary fr all Mtech students. Campus placement fr Mtech in IIT is a bit less as compared to Btechs but there nt a great difference.

As far as other colleges are concerned, which might offer Part time MTechs , i think placement fr regular batches is bound to be better as compared to Part time students. Companies do not prefer correspondence or Part time courses, they want fully trained employees with an intensive training.

mukesh kumar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Hi Sir,

Please let me know the eligibility criteria fro Part-Time Mtech (CS). I have done MCA from IGNOU, and currently working in an MNC Gurgaon. Am I eligible for Part-Time M-Tech from IIT?





Shweta Arya

Last Activity: 12 Years ago


I have done by Btech in Electronics & Instrumentationa nd I am currently working in a leading VLSI firm in bangalore. Is there any possibilty of doing an Mtech as a part time student. Since the company doesnt lie in the 50 km radius clause, does IITD provide any support for its MTech or MS(R) like it has for Phd where the residency time is 6 months. Also, I would like to know if this is as effective as a regular full -time course.


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