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what should choose for doing my engineering in iit

APURV AMRUTKAR , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


At present ECE is one of the hot branches that most of the students go for. But many IITs do not offer this course. So, computers is the most desired subject in IITs. COmputer engineers are the highest paid in terms of average packages as compared to other departments. Rest , its all dependent on ur interst of the subject, if u have a tilt for chemical engg, then go fr that , or mechanical, etc, its all ur personal interest , u have to decide it fr urself.

The sope of ECE in India is tremendous.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the core branches of Engineering studies started as Electrical Engineering. Most of the branches like Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Information Technology have been emerged as specialization from Electrical Engineering. However, with the wide applications of Electronics in controlling and protecting the Electrical equipments and systems, the course has been renamed as Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Graduates in Electronics Engineering have opportunities in Government and private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics equipments and systems. Defence, space and other large research organisations employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments etc have also provide large scale placements for engineers with this specilisation. Installation and maintenance of electronic equipments used for health care in hospitals, equipments & systems for instrumentation and control in process industries automation systems of assembly line in production industries, etc are also handled by electronics engineers.

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