Sir, as you know only 20 days are left for JEE, how should one utilise the time optimally ?how should be the study pattern??How should we revise maximum possible concepts in the time left?Please reply soon!!! :)Thank you !!
Viranch Mistry , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
Dear student,
Revision related tips
About 20 days before the JEE Screening Test, start getting acquainted with a wide variety of topics to improve the range of numericals you can attempt. Do not attempt lengthy questions, and focus instead on objective, numerical questions to practice as many types of questions as you can. You should look at breadth rather than depth in these 20 days.
Revise all important concepts and formulae, so that they are on your tips and come to you without any effort or thought.
The screening paper gives equal weightage to all three subjects – and so should your screening preparation.
Remember - The screening test has negative marking for wrong answers. So your familiarity with concepts will be crucial if you take the calculated risk of logical guessing.