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I had postd work done problem and it was a mcq and d ans was C and D.Sudheesh answrd only D i needed to know how C came and how the heat provided is used to solve d problem...Plz ans asap.....Thanklyou....

Sanika Phatak , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sudheesh Singanamalla

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Sanika , then atleast some other means of finding the answer should be given ,either a graph of a small reaction or something , since in the question only , the work is done from "A TO B" is mentioned , we don't know what they are , so we cannot say that the answer is C

either the question is misprinted or the graph for the question is missing or maybe the whole question is incorrect (not possible) .

Sorry , i find no means of getting the answer as C , and my reason is justified !

i would love to follow this question , if you have got the answer as C , i would request you to post it too

thanks for that , and my regrets for not getting C as the answer.

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