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which is better option,,doing petroleum engineering from ismu or rgipt?

chetan bhagat , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 8 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Both the institutes are good, but RGIPT is the institute that specialises in petroleum engineering. ISM Is good fr mining and its placement record also says so , that fr Petroleum engineers at ISM, placements are nt 100% , as compared to mining which has 100% placement.

Currently RIPT is a new institute , so its placement scene would be clear in few more years. urrently their plan is to " RGIPT will strive to facilitate student placement—both for summer internships and final job placements. By virtue of its lineage, RGIPT is uniquely placed to leverage the extensive industry network developed on its own and through its promoters, the leading Oil PSUs (ONGC, BPCL, IOCL, HPCL, GAIL, OIL and OIDB). For this endeavour, a placement cell will be formed, which will engage in constant interaction with the industry by way of seminars, summer internships, research projects, and on-campus and off-campus initiatives. "

So, its placement cell will come up , so one cannot be sure of god or bad placement until there are any records. So, i ll suggest u fr ismu as its an older college and athough nt 100% but a decent placement.


vellanki sri harsha

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

hi dude see ismu dhanbad is the best college for petroleum engneering it has a world wide fame and its alumini is at a very high positions in many industries . but rgpit is not that famous . ism stands at second place in the world for petroleum & mining . the package we get is very high last year the avg. salary is 8.88 lakhs. . but remember that it is a very  restricted feild. so please think of joining the petroleum department .                

                                             all the best!!!!!!!

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Hi chetan

I have completed my graduation from ISMU Dhanbad

for petrolium engineering ISMU Dhanbad is best college in india.

placement is 100 %

companies like schulumberger offer 16 lac

                      shell india       offer 10.5 lac

                      cairn energy     offer 9 lac

                      oil india                   9 lac

                      reliance                   ,more than 6.5 lac

  and many more companies like GAIl,IOCL,BPCL, offer more than 6 avg package

   and many more petrolium companies visit ISMU .


harshvardhan sonkar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

well the first batch that passed out got an average pack was around Rs. 8.05 Lakhs P.A. and the highest being around ~14 LPA.

RGIPT 1st B.tech. batch Placements :

IOCL - 4
ONGC - 12
BPCL - 3
HPCL - 1
EIL - 1
Honeywell UOP - 2
Essar Oil - 3
BORL - 4
Murugappa Group( Chola MS ) -1
Accenture - 1

And the second batch that is going to pass out in 2013 (till date : 23-11-2012):

BPCl : 5 students @10.5 Lakhs pa.

harshvardhan sonkar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

the packages were 11.4 not 10.5 LPA for the batch of rgipt passing out in 2013. (in context with the above post)

jitumoni brahma

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

i agree with harshvardhan sonkar both are best , give some break to RGIPT cause its a new college , 


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

yeah sure with u guys... wait for few more years i will be a graduate with petroleum major from rgipt....so let me tell u the clear statatics


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

doing petroleum in rgipt is good compared with ismu

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