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Hello, I am rahul. I heard that IIT kanpur is setting the examination for jee-2011, And also that it is known for its toughest examinations. Observing the exams set by iitk I analysed that iot focusses much on the NCERT books dfor facts and knoledge and raises its difficulty level. So kindkly tell me whelther my analysis is right or not. I also require some tips.

Rahul Gautam , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear rahul

its all rumor. don't believe in these. IIT JEE paper is set by a panel which has professors from all the IITs. organising institute take the responsibility of managing the exam only not setting the paper. it is set by that panel. more than 1 set is prepared and one set is selected at random for the exam. So just concentrate on your studies. do the previous years problem for a good revision.


All the best.                                                           


AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi


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