AskiitiansExpert Rohan
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Hi ashutosh,
Its good that you are really up to taking some serious challenge in your life. Would have been very nice if you could have just mentioned a few more of your details like your city and your percentage in 10th and 11th...
anyways as far as your question is concerned let me answer it..
Your preparation toward JEE requires first of all your hard work and determination.. You need to be very very strong till the day you give your JEE.. Dont ever think of going somewhere else other than IIT. That is the sign of a true IITian.
Apart, being practical I would recommend you to join some good classroom coaching. you can even study online at our website by some very good faculties.... anyways its just a suggestion. What you really require is the will to get in to IIT. Your dedication and hard work is gonna pay you heavily....
Best of luck
best wishes...