Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
Biotechnology is the research-oriented science including a fusion of biology and technology. This study includes a large variety of subjects including Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Virology, Immunology and Engineering. It is associated with other subjects such as Health and Medicine, Cropping System and Crop Management, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Ecology, Bio-statistics, Cell Biology, Seed Technology, Plant Physiology etc. Biotechnology features the use of living cells and bacteria in the industrial process. Biotechnology can be applied in developing various vaccines, medicines and diagnostics, improving energy production and conservation and increasing productivity. There is a great scope for career in biotechnology in India as well as abroad. Career in Biotechnology offers various employment opportunities in research, marketing and production in the fields like medicine and healthcare, animal husbandry, agriculture and environment industry.
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Askiitians Expert
Sagar Singh
B.Tech, IIT Delhi