Pratham Ashish
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
hi ,
i can't understand wat r u thinking in dis respect as u r getting nit warangal on one side n bits hydera bad on d other which is a very new name in d list of engg colleges in d country.....In my opinion u must n't hav any 2nd thoughts regarding nit warangal n also u r getting cse der which is d best branch of d current period so it is very hard to digest dat u still r thinking abt bits hyderabad......let me clear one thing if u r getting into bits pillani den ur concern wud hav mattered but bits hyderabad don't stand in front of nit warangal in any don't waste ur time on thinking abt anything as u r getting cse at nitw which is a very gr8 option n according to me it is d only one...go for it...