Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> sir plz plz very urgent...
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with heartfull gratitude,sir i am twelth pass student and i am preparing for jee 2011.sir i want to ask that sir wether i can crack iit jee in tese 3 months and 10 days.sir the whole of january i was sick and was suffring from chicken pox.sir this whole month of december is wasted and i am not repared for jee.sir one month is a big time sir now i im worried and not able to concentrate on my studies.sir plz tell me if i work day and night from today then i can crack jee 2011 or not.sirthis is my last attempt and i want to clear jee at any cost.sir plz tell me what to do.yours faithfully,sagar kandpal

sagar kandpal , 14 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Sagar

As time left is only 3 months so just do those topics in which you find youself comfortable. dont run after too many sources just  study from one single good source. You must start doing previous JEE questions as these will cover almost all the important concepts. And just concentrate on your studies without thinking of your illness.

All the best.                                                           




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