Deepak Ghansela
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Well Shivkant,
U know that CS is the one of the best engineering branch not only in IIT's but also in other Engg collleges.
In IIT's it is the best or u can say even better than Mechanical in any IIT branch due this most of the toppers preferred it over any other branch which makes it very difficult to get CSE in top IIT's.
But due to this u cann't say that Mechanical is not important as Mechanical branch provides most no. of job oppotunities than any other branch of engg.
The main thing is u cann't compare one branch with other like u cann't compare one IIT with other as every branch of engg had its own importance.
It's just your skill which determine your growth rate not the name of branch of engg.
Pick the engg. branch not on popularity but on your own interest as your interest in that branch will take u further not it's name.
All the Best buddy............