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sir, i have following work pending.....PHYSICS.kinematics{ 1D,2d],projectile motion, NLM, friction, circular motion.....in coachng, recently centre of mass is going on.....in which m update.....CHEMISTRYchemical bonding, mole concept, termodynamics, thermochemistry, chemical & ionic equillibrium....MATHStrignometry ratios & identities, trgnmtry equatns, sequence & progression,straight lines, circles, conic section...**tell me in how much days at max. each chapter can be completed wit better undestanding {only completion of coachng package consist of 7-8 sheets & 6 exercises of each chapter...around 200-250 qustns each package contains....

pankaj agrawal , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear pankaj,

Completing a chapter is totally student dependent. But dont devote more than 7 days per chapter as it would be wastage of time.

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