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sir i completed my 12.i want to take admission in icas(manipal).it is better college for engineering.is faculty good at icas?and can you say me abot symbiosis institute of technology.is it good or not.i want to take mechanical engg at icas whether this branch has any future?if a person workshard at icas can he is eligible to go massachusetts institute of technology or harvard?please tell me urghently

b.nagarjuna reddy reddy , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
AskiitiansExpert Rohan

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Manipal is a nice place to be at ...

Getting admission to Icas (manipal) should be a better choice for sure.. You should definitely go there if u have only these two choices..

Icas is far better thab Symbiosis Institute of Technology.. So be assured of a relatively better future..

Secondly talking about the scope of this branch.. MECHANICAL Engineering is always a good choice whatever be the condition of the market. Mechanical is one of the three core branches others being chemical engineering and electrical engineering. Core branches mean the streams without which no industry can function..

So be assured on that account too for a brighter future..

MIT is the world's no. 1 institute of the world.. Personally me myself qualified for it bt I didn't go..

Yes You can surely opt for MIT for your post graduations. Just be sure to check out if ICAS degree that You'll be getting is globally certified. I think it is, so there shouldn't be a problem..


Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Nagrjuna ,

icas(manipal) will b a better option for u as manipal has got high reputation in terms of engg. collges. Regarding ur query about mech, i will only say that this is one of the core branch in which u needn't hav to think of its future as it will provide good job aspects in ur coming future and after completing ur engg. , u can go to any university abroad as the only requirement for getting der is u must be good academically and if u hav cgpa 3/4 den u can give gre and according to your score in gre , u will get admission in foreign universities.

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