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i m in 11 class.completed half of it.i m just not able to solve many problems especially maths.i m able to slolve rd sharma and ncrt easily but when it comes to a das gupta or arihant then i m able to solve very few questions.my confidance is decreasing day by day and i feel that iit requires more precent of brain than hardwork though i got 9.4 cgpa in 10.i spend 10 to 15 min on a quetion .what should i do.i read thory too.

Archit cHOUDHURY , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Archit

Also read the theory from Arihant book. and do small problems with the theory given in the book. Dont be impatient. give emphasis on understanding the concepts. Practice again and again and give some time to revision also.Be consistent in your preparation. This is all you can do.

All the best.




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