
if a student passes out with a degree in electrical eng. amd communications ,then wat are the job opporunities available. likw was convey me the same for chemical, electrical and electronics , computer science and eng.

if a student passes out with a degree in electrical eng. amd communications ,then wat are the job opporunities available. likw was convey me the same for chemical, electrical and electronics , computer science and eng.


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


Chemical engineering is a multidisciplinary area. All the basic areas of engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, and metallurgy are involved in addition to the specialty of chemical engineering itself.
It is needed in almost all manufacturing industries like, foods, pharma, biotech, chemicals, petro chemicals, polymers and many more.

For scope of electrical and communication  engineering, it is a very broad field and varies a lot. It includes power, telecom, electronics, control systems, and even computer engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the core branches of Engineering studies started as Electrical Engineering. Most of the branches like Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Information Technology have been emerged as specialization from Electrical Engineering.

Electrical graduate are employed in Electricity Boards/Utility companies and large industries as engineers and managers, responsible for installation, maintenance, operation of power handling equipments and systems. Industries manufacturing large electrical machines and equipments employ engineers in design, production and testing. Educational Institutions and Research establishments recruit electrical engineers as faculty and scientists.

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