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My rank in aieee is 7244(air).Which nit can i get & what stream? my ipu cet rank is 498. most probably i'll get igit or usit with computer science. which is better nit or igit or usit? my cee rank is 1333. what r d hopes in dce/nsit/? which stream can i get?

Tanya Popli , 15 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Tanya,

Your rank in aiee is quite impressive and you can get good departments at good instituts like nit trichy,warangal, surathkal,iiit hyderabad and some others.

You can get electrical or electronics at these institutes which would be a better option for you rather than going for ipu, since these nits are anytime better than ipu for future aspects. Regarding your cee rank, i think going into above nits is a better option for you.But if are from delhi itself then comp sc. at igit will be a good option for you.

You can refer to the last year cutoff details to know what you are likely to get through this rank : -



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