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how is the NSTSE held by unified council?which books should be read by me?give some more information about the exam?what should i remember when appearing the exam?pls provide me the site from where i could get the previous year que paper?what is the scolarship ?

Adit Umesh Shah , 14 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear adit,

The NSTSE shall be a comprehensive, independent examination that delivers challenging and high quality educational experience through a broad array of applied learning settings.

The NSTSE question papers are scientifically designed to test concepts underlying the curriculum in a interesting way.

NSTSE, aimed at providing valuable and detailed diagnostic reports for specific improvement and further development of school students.

While NSTSE encourages students to reason critically and solve problems, it also helps to boost confidence and enable students to realize their optimum potential.

Certificate of Merit / Participation will be issued to all the students taking the NSTSE 2011.


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