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i'm in 11th standard and have started preparing for IIT. My coaching class startd about 2 n a half months back, and my batch is filled with scholars ( or atleast i think so ). Thats y i initially found it very uncomfortable and difficult to adjust. Also, being from ssc board, i didnt know what pattern to follow to study or an exam like IIT. Thanks to my coaching class, i did cover up a few concepts which i lagged in, due to this inferiority complex that i had, and due to the difficulty in understanding. But still, i am not able to match up to the level that i think i can be at. i'm still not very thorough with basic topics like vectors, calculus for physics, mole concept, trigo etc.. Now i dont know whether to utilise my time covering up these left over topics, or studying for the topics being taught currently at class. Bcoz of this i am feeling quite discouraged and i dont know when and how to study. I also do not kno how to formulate a fixed study timetable for myself. I am worried. Please help.

Mukund Joshi , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 3 Answers
Karthik Eyan

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Firstly, I am proud of you to have told the truth. Okay, I think there is no need to have the inferiority complex in you. Buy the book "Concept of Physics by H.C.Verma I and II". And to strengthen up your basics and fundamentals, use the NCERT book of your class. After having read through the NCERT book, read from the study material given by your coaching institute. Assuming that you spend 7 hours in school a day, I would advise you to study your school portions for 3 hours and read for IIT for 1-2 hours everyday. After you have read through a topic, practice problems pertaining to that topic.

omkar deepak borkar

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

The problems u r facing a faced by each and every iit aspirant .even me

but if u concentrate on studies and dont concentrate on the comparison between u and other students.see

mukund this is the most difficult phase of iit jee(the initial 2-3 months).if u survive these months u can at leasst get into iit

and by the way which classes hav u joined if its iit pace u r at a very good class.join locus education correspondence course.

best of luck.please hav great determination .u will definately go into iit bombay,......

frustration comes in each and every phase of life...u hav to defeat frustration.and be happy


it this help u please like my answer(approve my answer)

Mukund Joshi

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

thanks to both of u. Yes i study at iitians pace , in the integrated course. i'l surely try out what u hav sugested me to do

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