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SIR,I am currently enrolled in DCE but i want to give Jee 2011.So,plz guide me how to mange my time

Raman Gupta , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

As you are willing to give iit again,it would be better if you are cautious this time.It will be same as you did in your 12th.here you have your first year courses,which are mostly easy.So have the confidence that you can crack IITJEE.Start from the basics,dont leave any topic without understanding conceptually.If the are some common topics with your first year courses do them first,practice good number of problems on those topics,this will give you confidence after you do well in your college exams.Now you should give more time for your preparation,topics you left last year,start them freshly,understand those topics well,do problems,practise more number of problems.IF you do this in every subject you will be able to crack JEE at the same time you will be good at you academics in college


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