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Dear Sir ,I am an average student . I would like to crack jee in 2011 . I would like to complete my jee preperation by december . Then solve practice papers in month of January , write boards in march and again revise in march . I would like to know that how to prepare for jee in these five months . I have the following list of books . I would also like to know how should Istudy a chapter from the textbook.Physics - HC VERMA , NCERT , Resnick Halliday .Chemistry - NCERT , RC mukherjeeMaths - NCERT . TMH maths for AIEEE .I request you to please tell me how to study from these books . Please dont tell me abou books which are bulky and takes lot of time to solve . I am also i havent joined any coaching classes . I am ready To work hard day and night...Thnak You

hsn kmr , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear student,

You have  a good list of books but let me tell you these are not sufficient and you have to buy some other books as well.

Chemistry: P bahadur,Soloman,Jagdamba

Maths: ML khanna or arihant publications

We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.

All the best.

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