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I am Revanth Vishnuvajhala. i am a 9th grader in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kuwait Kendra. our school follows the CBSE pattern of education. i am planning to move to india after my 10th grade and take IIT coaching. people often tell me that for a student who studies anywhere else in the world cannot usually get through the IIT-JEE because of the competition in india. I just wanted to know if it's really true and if i could take any online coaching, buy books or do something else so that i could cop up with the students in india if there is any such tough competition.

Revanth Vishnuvajhala , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
abhishek nandi

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

if u have will power and strong feeling..it's 100% sure that u will get into IIT.let's tell u a story..my elder brother started IIT

preperation just 5 months before the IIT exam, he worked hard and now he is in IIT BOMBAY WITHOUT ANY COACHING CENTER AND NOT EVEN A SINGLE TEACHER..now u decide if he can,why u can't??????

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