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hi i am going to do engineering through eamcet.but i am getting doubt that in big companies like google,yahoo,microsoft etcmost of people not got job i thnk so. only from iit's and nit's are getting jobs in thice companies. if i do write gate exam and enter into iit's by taking cse can i'll be able toparticipate in the placements of that particular iit. and i want to do internship wid the companies while stdying but from btech 2nd yr. will i 'll be able 2 gat internships from google and micerosfot. n wat should be the % i should get in engg. and in wat subjects i should be perfect . please i want atlest 3 to 4 suggestions?

teja b , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
vikas pandey

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

yes you  can i'll be able toparticipate in the placements of that particular iit. it is wrong that big companies like google,yahoo,microsoft etc most of people not got job. % should be at least 60% .you should be perfect in maths application.

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