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Respected Sir,

I have secured AIR 5313 in JEE 2010 but since i didn't get branch and institute of my choice,i've droppped.Im currently enrolled in FIITJEE classroom program in Lucknow center.

So,i want u to suggest me that how i should manage my studies to get a top 100 rank in JEE 2011 .I would "ANYTHING" to get into top 100.

Also suggest the duration of studies everyday keeping in mind that my concepts are almost clear and i need to pay more emphasis on practice rather than on concpets!

Please HELP!

Shashank Shekhar , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Shashank,

Nice spirit :)..  All i can advise you is practise as much as possible .. join best test series .. and spend all your time in solving the questions from different books..  i wud suggest to spent not less than 7-8 hours of self study per day.. study as much as possible with all ur concentration..  you can definatly score best by dedication and commitment. All the best ..

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