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sir i am a student from bhubaneswar,orissa ..i have passed 12th this year from chse with scoring 50% and my pcm aggregate is 52%.But i don't think i am so poor to get such %aage ...........i think the papers have not been checked properly in our council .So i want to prepare 1 year with strong concentration.Can i crack the engineering entrances .Sir please suggest me something good.

SMITA MOHANTY , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Prudhvi teja

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Smita

I guess its a good decision by taking one year drop.Firstly your 12 percentage doesnot matter for aieee exam.So dont worry about these marks.But I feel 52% is alittle less,so first thing all you need to do is study your 11,12th maths,physics,chemistry text books to clear your concepts.After that you start solving problems in other books or previous year papers.If you work hard you can qualify very easily

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Askiitians Experts
Prudhvi Teja


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